Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Yes, Virginia, Scala is hard

Let me first say that I am a Scala lover and have been a Scala champion for almost 5 years.  I've written books and articles on Scala.  I've worked with dozens of companies that have launched Scala and Lift projects.  I've code reviewed many dozens of Scala projects.I used to think that Scala was easy.  It was, and continues to be, a cure for some of the numerous problems with Java.  From the "stuff that's hard or impossible in Java is simple in Scala," Scala is a very e...

   Scala,OOP,FP,function programming,hard,idiom     2011-11-08 08:47:43

  Different types of keystore in Java -- PKCS11

PKCS11 keystore is designed for hardware storage modules(HSM). It's an interface to talk to the HSMs. It doesn't actually store any keys but provide a set of classes to communicate with the underlying HSM. The actual keys and certificates are stored on the HSMs. The reason for storing the keys and materials is to ensure security and efficiency. Since the keys are on the HSMs, they are safe to be stolen. All encryption/decryption operations are performed on the HSMs as well, this incre...

   PKCS11,keystore,HSM,Java     2015-01-08 00:39:12

  A handbook on the first day of joining a new internet company as BE engineer

When joining a new internet company, there might be lots of things need to be done to get ready for taking new challenges. These include both culture and tech preparation. in this post, we would focus on how to prepare the first day technically. The first thing to do is to get your laptop or your work machine up, these involves lots of tool setup and accesses. Normally there are three major task categories. Access As an engineer, there are lots of accesses needed to access different resources wi...

   TIPS,CAREER ADVICE,ONBOARDING     2021-12-11 21:32:10

  How many bytes a boolean value takes in Java?

Have you ever wondered how many bytes a boolean value takes in Java? One byte, this might be the answer comes out of your mind right away. But is it? Let's dig in more. Per Oracle documentation on boolean value definition, there is below statement: boolean: The boolean data type has only two possible values: true and false. Use this data type for simple flags that track true/false conditions. This data type represents one bit of information, but its "size" isn't something that's precisely defin...

   JAVA,INTERVIEW,SIZE,BOOLEAN     2020-02-29 02:49:18

  Is Python all set to triumph over Java?

Python is one of the top programming languages of the present time. A variety of companies with different backgrounds and offerings have embraced the capabilities of Python to make wonderful tech products. As, Java is also known to be one of the most recognized languages, therefore, there is a constant battle that takes place between the two languages. Python wants to dethrone Java as the number one, whenever it is and vice versa. It is like the tussle between Android and iOS which is never endi...

   JAVA,DEVELOPMENT,PYTHON,DJANGO     2018-08-28 01:32:56

  Different types of keystore in Java -- DKS

Domain KeyStore(DKS) is a keystore of keystore. It abstracts a collection of keystores that are presented as a single logical keystore. Itself is actually not a keystore. This new keystore type is introduced in Java 8. There is a new class DomainLoadStoreParameter which closely relates to DKS. To load different keystores into the single logical keystore, some configuration is needed. Here is the format of the configuration for grouping different keystores. domain [ ...] { keystore [ ....

   Java,keystore,DKS,tutorial     2015-01-20 02:27:27

  Using MemoryMappedBuffer to handle large file in Java

When handling large files, it will largely affect the process speed while using traditional FileInputStream, FileOutputStream or RandomAccessFile since they trigger lots of read and write operations. In Java NIO, a new way of handling large file is introduced which is to use MmeoryMappedBuffer to create memory mapped file. Memory-mapped I/O uses the filesystem to establish a virtual memory mapping from user space directly to the applicable filesystem pages. With a memory-mapped file, you can pre...

   JAVA,IO,NIO     2015-11-13 01:58:08

  Android IDE gets Pie-Friendly Update

An integrated development environment (IDE) provides facilities to computer programmers for software development. It consists of a source code editor, builds automation tools, and a debugger. The aim of the IDE is to reduce the configuration necessary to piece together multiple development utilities.The android application development process has become easier with the advancement of the new technologies. There are many considerations that are taken into account before developing an application....

       2018-09-26 07:41:56

  Signature sign/verification demo in Java

Digital signature is commonly used in areas where data authentication and integrity are required. It is extremely important to have signature while transferring sensitive data from one peer to other peers through network since there might be malicious applications or man-in-the-middle attacks which may alter the data along the way. Java provides some APIs to generate and verify digital signature. One important class is Signature.  When generating the signature, a private key needs to be pa...

   SECURITY,JAVA,SIGNATURE     2015-11-21 09:48:12

  Comparable and comparator in Java

Comparable and comparator are two similar interfaces used to compare objects in Java. When we want to sort a list of objects such as Employee or User etc, we may need to implement these interfaces to make them comparable as we want. However, there are some differences between comparable and comparator interface.ComparableA comparable object is capable of comparing itself with another object. The class itself must implements the java.lang.Comparable interface in order to be able to compare its in...

   Java,Comparable,Comparator,Sort     2012-07-04 12:06:15